Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cruisin' J-Town

Right now, I am enjoying my stay with wifey in the
Miyako hotel in L.A.'s Little Tokyo section. It is such
a plush place: we were surprised that the bathroom
had this state-of-the-art type of toilet - called the
Home Tech HI-3001 - that's right one of those types
that has a "washlet" bidet on it (read: washes your
derriere) that was ballyhooed on "The View"
recently. More hedonistic endeavors have included:
dining and lunching at this so veg-friendly restaurant
called The Shojin yesterday, it is at 333 S.Alameda
three or four blocks from where we're staying and
I believe their web URL is
[more details on the menu and what we ate later]
also so far only one dog sited. We feel fortunate we
found Shojin and also this market called Nijiya a
block away ( which is also veg-friendly.
As I've mentioned, I'm here to be on an interracial
relationships panel at the Mixed Roots Film & Lit
Festival June 12. More updates soon.


Nihon Quisqueya said...

I visited Japan (and Asia for the first time) this past August and was amazed by the elaborate technology created for the comfort of the bums! I will never forget TOTO-the toilet brand- present everywhere complete with the pre-recorded flushing sounds. I loved it and can't wait to go back. NiQ :)

Mized Space said...

Dear Sam - We just wanted to let you know of our upcoming event. We would love to have you attend! Maybe you could blog about it to get the word out? That would be appreciated as well!

MASC is having its 20th Anniversary Dinner Celebration "Seeing Change: From the Census to the White House" on Saturday, December 5th, 2009

Location: Maggiano's, The Grove
Time: 6pm

For more information, please visit our website at:

or Facebook Group at:
for regular updates

nobhillwriter said...

Dear Mixed Space:

Thank you for the invite but unfortunately, I can't make it down to L.A. on that date. Maybe some other time.


Anonymous said...

I am so impressed here so exciting post and also I'm here to be on an interracial relationships panel at the Mixed Roots Film & Lit Festival on June so you are making big relations here.
Thanks for sharing with us...

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